It is technique of work measurement done by an experienced foreman. Based on his experience ,he works out the time for a job .This technique is applied for finding out the time for non productive work
Eg maintenance .repair work, job order work ,construction work etc .....
1.Selection of the Estimator
Here the time estimation is done by the foreman. The foreman should have sufficient knowledge and experience in the work .The accuracy of the estimate depends upon the ability of the foreman .Only an experienced foreman can make resonable estimate of time acceptable by workers .
2.Collection of details
The former collects all the details about the work to be estimated. He gets them from the concerned supervisor .He consults with the supervisior and select the sequence of operation to be done for completing the job .
3.Breaking down the job into elements .
As done in the stop watch time study, the foreman breaks the operation into various elements. Here the elements are of much longer durations .These elements are group into constant elements ,variable element ,man element and machine elements .
4.Estimating elemental times
The foreman collects the elemental standard time from available data .for some elements ,the data may not b available ,for these elements, the foreman estimates the time from his experiences and knowledge .While estimating ,the condition under the job is done is carefully noted .According to the difficulty of doing the job the time is alloted .
5.Estimating the standard time .
The foeman adds all the elemental times .To this ,he also adds the allowance to get the standard time .
1.Maintenance work
2.Repair work
3.Construction work
4.fabrication work
5.Erection work
6.Inspection work
7.Job order production
8.Work in Auto Service stations
1.This method is best suited for non repetitive work.
2.Target time for maintenance work can be easily fixed .
The estimate will not be accurate.