Industrial Disputes - Explain.

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Industrial Disputes - Explain.

Industrial Disputes 

Industrial Disputes means any disputes or difference between employer and employee or employees. This is with the employment or non-employment or the conditions of work.

Industrial Disputes may lead to strikes, go-slow tactics, token strikes, tool- down strikes, hunger strikes, bandh, gheraoes and lock outs.

Every human being (worker) has certain needs. Eg. economic needs and security needs. If these needs are not satisfied , a dispute between employer and employee occurs.

industrial disputes

Causes of industrial disputes.

Some of the common causes of industrial disputes are listed below.

1. Psychological causes

2. Managerial causes 

3. Employment  conditions

4. Working conditions

5. Wage and other benefits

6. Legal causes

1. Psychological causes

     1. Authoritarian leadership
     2. Strict discipline 
     3. Demand for recognition by workers      
     4. Clash of personalities

2. Managerial causes

     1. Non recognition of trade union by management.
     2. Unfair condition and practices.
     3. Compelling workers not to join unions.

3.Employment condition 

    1.More hours of work
    2. Working in night shifts  
    3. Promotion, lay off , retrenchment, dismissal etc.

4. Working condition 

    1. Environmental condition - too hot - too cold - noisy- dusty - dirty conditions
    2. Unsafe plant and work place layout 
    3. Bad condition of machine
    4. Frequent changes in products.

5. Wages and other benefits

    1. Inadequate wages
    2. Undesired deduction from wages
    3. Poor allowances
    4. Unsatisfactory bonus and incentives.

6. Legal causes

    1. Not following labour laws, factory acts etc.
    2. Violation of agreements already made.

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