Personal factor which increase the risk of Accident
1. Attitude
2. fatigue and boredom
3. Emotional factor
4. Age and experience
5. Physiological factor
1. Attitude
Wrong attitude towards work may lead to accident . A worker's attitude may be such that he always neglects the safety instructions. He will never wear safety devices. He may try to take risk and work at high speeds. These are all irresponsible attitudes which may causes accident of workers can be changed .
2. fatigue and boredom
Both physical and mental tiredness lead to fatigue . Fatigue lead to accident . A person who is not interested in his job will feel fatigue quickly.
By reducing the manual work and providing rest breaks at proper time physical tiredness can be reduced. Proper placement of workers and motivational them will reduce the mental tiredness.
By taking these measures to reduce fatigue , accident can be reduced.
3. Age and experience
Young and inexperienced people may meet with accidents often. this is due to their tendency to take risk. This is also due to lack of experience. experience people may be over confident and so less careful. This may also lead to accidents. Proper training and education will help to reduce accidents.
4. Physiological factor
Physiological factor like bad health. defective eye sight, deafness may lead to accidents. Proper selection of workers. proper placement and proper medical aid will reduce accidents